Since upgrading to a higher resolution monitor, I've seen frame rates drop and I've had to get off my 'High Horse' and turn down the settings to guarantee silky smooth gameplay. So to resolve that issue, I've replaced the 1070 with a 1080 Ti with 11Gb of DDR5-X VRAM.
"I knew that I would be impressed with MSI's GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X 11G before it arrived, for the simple reason of: you can't stuff something up that is already great. NVIDIA has effectively provided consumers with a $1200 graphics card at $699, and then MSI has grabbed that GTX 1080 Ti and nurtured it - and its custom GTX 1080 Ti graphics card is a MONSTER!!!
4K 60FPS gaming on a single graphics card for the most part, and amazing 3440x1440 performance - all from a card that is whisper quiet, looks great, and would be even better in SLI with another GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X 11G.
MSI only makes quality high-end graphics cards thanks to its Twin Frozr VI cooling technology and expertise with custom PCBs, so you have a card that will last you for years - both in performance, and also from a physical product point of view as well.
During all of our testing, the MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X 11G ran at 67C maxed out - but we have some overclocking numbers that we're going to share with you in another article coming soon. I'm expecting some big things from the card in the OC department, and if what we're seeing with out of the box performance like this - overclocked performance should be another beast in itself!"
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